Prattle on
Friday, February 18, 2005
So, is the online Viagra trade really hot now, or what's the story? I ask because of all the spam I get at my personal address and at work, there are about a million e-mails trying to sell me Viagra. Over the holidays my inbox was just bogged down by the USA Bible people and another e-mail trying to get me to give people a side of beef for Christmas.

In 2005 all that has given way to other e-mails about printer cartridges, computer warehouses, and several opportunities to get degrees online from unaccredited institutions based solely on my life experience. However, there is one e-mail I get no less than 12 times a day. It's from "the little blue pill" people asking me "What is your life like?" I also get several other offers from different e-mail addresses. I would estimate that my spam is about 70% Viagra related.

I don't need Viagra. But I figure the Viagra trade must be real lucrative as I am being inundated with sales pitches.

I have also noticed an increase in the amount of business people from the Cameroon or Sierra Leon who need to get 27 million American dollars out of the country due to inheritance laws, or problems with the diamond mining company, or a corrupt regime. If I just helped them by providing all my banking information (bank name, address, fax number, account and pin number), I would be paid handsomely and the business person's children would be able to attend school, as is their dying mother's wish. And, by the way, if I know anyone who would be willing to help by marrying the beautiful young daughter of said business man, that would be great too.

Does anyone still fall for that?

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